Out of mysterious Borneo comes our mysterious Alocasia Reginae, officially recognized by the horticultural world in the 1800's but of course, the natives of Borneo recognized it way before that as they glided through the deep, dark rainforest. This jungle denizen keeps to the thick bed of leaves, plant shreds, damp detritis, and even fallen fruits from feasting monkeys, falling down from all the taller trees and plants. Nestled in her cozy bed, she grows to a moderate sized 12" to maybe 18" and maybe more; wide, rounded, big arrowhead foliage in satiny, soft, silvery green with a handprint of darker green veins radiating from a dot in the center of the vee where the petioles attach. The lush leaves whirl in a circle like a dancer's skirt held up by pale, fleshy petioles. An elusive bluish shadow is sometimes cast over the leaves sometimes when she's happy, maybe as she remembers a misty jungle raincloud going by.
Quick Care Guide:
- Water - Med/High (4): Prefers more water than most, but soil can dry out periodically. Use a spray bottle to mist and increase humidity levels without soaking the soil and roots.
- Light - Medium (3): Plant prefers natural, diffused light. Can be placed in a spacious living room. Indirect light preferred. No direct sunlight on leaves.
- Difficulty - Medium (3): Not too difficult to keep happy, but does require some attention.