
Plants in this collection produce long, trailing vines that drape over the pot, shelf or wherever it is placed. They are often times suspended or hung in ones home to elevate decor.
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20 results
4" Philodendron Cordatum 'Brasil'
4" Philodendron Cordatum Neon
4" Pothos, Golden
4" Pothos, Green Queen
4" Pothos, Neon
4" Pothos, Neon Queen
Only 5 left!
4" Scindapsus Pictus Argyraeus 'Satin'
6" Ceropegia String of Hearts, Variegated
Only 3 left!
6" Hoya Kerri
6" Hoya Kerri
6" Hoya Kerri, Vine
Only 3 left!
6" Hoya Pink & Silver
Only 1 left!
6" Philo. Cordatum 'Brasil'
Only 5 left!
6" Philodendron Cordatum 'Brasil'
Only 5 left!
6" Philodendron Cordatum (small)
6" Philodendron Cordatum Neon
Only 4 left!
6" Pothos, Golden
6" Pothos, Golden
Only 4 left!
6" Pothos, Neon
Only 2 left!
6" Pothos, Snow Queen
Only 5 left!
8" Pothos, N' Joy
Only 2 left!