
Entire collection of houseplants.
FREE shipping on all orders above $60.
Heat packs will be added to orders shipping to colder parts of the country.
123 results
2" Dracaena Marginata
3" Astrophytum "Star Cactus"
4" Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose'
Only 3 left!
4" Anthurium, Red
Only 5 left!
4" Aphelandra Zebra Plant
Only 3 left!
4" Begonia, Rex
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Dottie
4" Calathea Grey Star
4" Calathea Makoyana
4" Calathea Musaica
Only 2 left!
4" Calathea Ornata
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Roseo Picta 'Rosy'
Only 4 left!
4" Calathea White Fusion
4" Chinese Evergreen Lady Valentine
4" Chinese Evergreen Leprechaun
4" Clusia Princess
4" Coffee Arabica
4" Croton Sunny Star
4" Dracaena Craigii Compacta
4" Dracaena Sol, Cane
4" Fern, Austral Gem
4" Fern, Birdsnest Leslie
4" Fern, Birdsnest Nidus
4" Fern, East Indian Holly
Only 5 left!
4" Fern, Heart
4" Fern, Lemon Button
4" Fern, Maidenhair
4" Fern, Pteris Albo
4" Fern, Rabbit Foot
4" Fern, Staghorn
4" Ficus Shivereana Moonshine
Only 5 left!
4" Hoya Kerrii
4" Ivy, Glacier