
Entire collection of houseplants.
FREE shipping on all orders above $60.
Heat packs will be added to orders shipping to colder parts of the country.
168 results
10" Schefflera Gold Capella
Only 4 left!
2" Dracaena Marginata
3" Astrophytum "Star Cactus"
4" Adenium Obesum 'Desert Rose'
Only 3 left!
4" Alocasia Cuprea
Only 5 left!
4" Anthurium, Joli Pulse
4" Anthurium, Rainbow Champion
4" Anthurium, Red
4" Aphelandra Zebra Plant
Only 3 left!
4" Begonia, Rex
4" Calathea Beauty Star
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Concinna, Freddy
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Dottie
4" Calathea Grey Star
4" Calathea Makoyana
4" Calathea Medallion
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Musaica
Only 2 left!
4" Calathea Ornata
4" Calathea Roseo Picta 'Rosy'
Only 4 left!
4" Calathea Sanguinea
Only 5 left!
4" Calathea Vittata
Only 5 left!
4" Chamaedorea Neanthe Bella
4" Chinese Evergreen Leprechaun
4" Clusia Princess
4" Croton Petra
4" Ctenanthe Burle Marx
4" Dracaena Craigii Compacta
4" Dracaena Lemon Lime
4" Dracaena Lemon Surprise
Only 5 left!
4" Dracaena Sol, Cane
4" Dracaena Tornado
Only 5 left!
4" Fern, Austral Gem
4" Fern, Birdsnest Leslie
4" Fern, Birdsnest Nidus
4" Fern, East Indian Holly