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6" Dracaena Lemon Lime


This old timer has been avidly collected in our homes since 1845 after being found waiting for us in the rainforests of Indonesia. The plant was used for natural medicine with the leaves used to halt bleeding, and the oil extracted from the leaves makes a natural mosquito deterrent. A Warneckii cousin, it has the same vertical, robust growth, with larger plants having multiple plants in the pot with new canes sprouting from the soil. Pointed straplike leaves are striped down the middle with the typical Warneckii greyish-green and white bands outlined in skinny white stripes. A fat, splashy stripe of  wild, acid green edges each leaf hence the name Lemon Lime. Put him in a little brighter light to keep that acid color wild.

  • Also known as Dragon Tree
  • Air Purifying

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Medium (3):  Plant prefers natural, diffused light. Can be placed in a spacious living room. Indirect light preferred. No direct sunlight on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Low (1):  These plants need barely any attention to thrive. Set it and forget it.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.