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6" Fern, Rabbit Foot


Rabbit Foot Fern, from impossibly beautiful, tropical Fiji, earned its moniker from the super cute, furry fuzzy, brown rhizomes creeping across the soil looking just like a bunny's feets. As they creep they sprout impossibly delicate looking and ethereal triangles of emerald green lace. Growing fuller all the time, the dense crowd of ferny fronds are a beautiful sight to behold. At home anyplace; in a pot, terrarium, or hanging moss basket or pot, the roots will crawl right over the edge and engulf the pot or basket completely and become a fern ball. Most spectacular to see and so easy to care for. All he wants is some nice, bright, indirect light and regular watering and you to admire him.

  • Air Purifying
  • Low Maintenance
  • Pet Friendly

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Med/High (4):  Prefers more water than most, but soil can dry out periodically. Use a spray bottle to mist and increase humidity levels without soaking the soil and roots.
  • Light - Med/High (4):  Needs more light than most, but direct light not necessary. Can handle morning and afternoon sun directly on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Low/Med (2):  A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.