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4" Dracaena Black Beauty, cane


Dracaena Black Beauty is certainly a beauty, not so much black as darkish green. with those Dracaena leaves we know, smooth, shiny, strong and sure of themselves. This beauty grows full and tight, and the cane style highlights that. Leaves emerge close upon each other curving away in a graceful arc. Reminiscent of a Dracaena Janet Craig or Michiko, this has everything we love about Dracaenas. Older, strong banded canes are taken from mature plants, then off with their heads! They sprout out a bunch of tops where they were cut off and jostle and crowd each other exuberantly. We put a mix different heights of canes in their pots for specimen plants and singles in the little pots. This newcomer is a beautiful plant in any size.

  • Also known as Dragon Tree
  • Air Purifying
  • Low Maintenance

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Medium (3):  Plant prefers natural, diffused light. Can be placed in a spacious living room. Indirect light preferred. No direct sunlight on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Low (1):  These plants need barely any attention to thrive. Set it and forget it.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.