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6" Philodendron Squamiferum

Squamiferum means "scaly" in Latin, for the unusual, hairy, red stems this plant is famous for. Starting out with violin shaped leaves when immature, Squamiferum grows into shiny, 5 lobed, rich green leaves with deep cuts making them look a bit like dog faces, up to 18" long. New leaves arrive on the scene upright, palest green spires and unroll like light green plastic, and darken to their nice emerald green. Y shaped midribs with offset side veins quilt the leaves. Another of the tree hugger, tree clambering, jungle, epiphytic Philodendrons, it gets huge with huge leaves the higher it climbs in nature and in our homes, still wild at heart, loves a pole to clamber up. Trimming keeps the long stems tidy and those trimmed stems will readily root in a glass of water. 
  • Air Purifying
  • Low Light
  • Low Maintenance

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Low/Med (2):  These plants need some diffused light to stay happy. Prefers if there is a window in the room, but doesn't need to be very light nor close to it.
  • Difficulty - Low/Med (2):  A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.