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4" Hoya Pubicalyx 'Splash'


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Hoya Splash has everything a Hoya lover wants. Fast growth, easy care, fabulous flowers, and an attitude. Sturdy, waxy, lance-shaped leaves of Hoya green have silvery speckles randomly spotting the leaves, not true variegation but a result of little oxygen cells under the skin that sparkle in the sun. A fast and impulsive grower, it shoots out bare, dark green to burgundy vines that optimistically reach out for anything near (how do they know?) to grab on to. The flowers are lovely up close and personal, magenta stars with a white star on that, and a red star on that, finished with a tiny white star on top. And, they smell heavenly. Every Hoya collector should have one Splash.

  • Low Maintenance
  • Pet Friendly
  • Trailing

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Low/Med (2):  Doesn't need as much water, but doesn't like to stay dry for too long. Plant will become droopy when really thirsty.
  • Light - Med/High (4):  Needs more light than most, but direct light not necessary. Can handle morning and afternoon sun directly on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Low (1):  These plants need barely any attention to thrive. Set it and forget it.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.