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4" Begonia, Rex


First found in India, the Rex Begonia has an aptitude for easy mutations. Each cross occurring naturally can result in hundreds of seeds all able to create a new one of a kind plant. Breeders have worked to create new ones too and  the combinations of colors are endless. Rex Begonias have been parts of breeding programs for many years, creating hundreds of almost impossible, fantastic color combinations and leaf shapes. Sounding like science fiction, some mutations have even been aided by the use of X rays, a practice also used in Poinsettias. Spiky, fractal leaf edges point downwards as the new little leaves tip up from the top of the plant and then arrange themselves upright, showing off their fancy attire. A Rex Begonia is a crazy beautiful thing. Flowers too!

No requests on specific styles for these 4" babies!

  • Air Purifying

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Medium (3):  Plant prefers natural, diffused light. Can be placed in a spacious living room. Indirect light preferred. No direct sunlight on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Medium (3):  Not too difficult to keep happy, but does require some attention.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.