09" Sansevieria Golden Edge
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This Sansevieria has the best of all the Sans' traits in this one plant. Wide leaves flame out of the pot in deepest, pine green tiger striped with mint, etchy bands and ending in a nice pointy point (not sharp though! The name Golden Edge refers, of course, to the golden edge that narrowly trims the edge of each leaf. It's barely noticible, but hold him up to the light and see the brilliant gold. Shorter than most of its brothers, but full and lush, the leaves seem to always find room for one more. This solid and pretty Sansevieria is one of the nicest ones we've seen. Of course, he goes anywhere, like his brothers, even your deepest, darkest corner.
- Also known as Snake Plant or Mother-In-Law's Tongue
- Air Purifying
- Drought Tolerant
- Low Light
- Low Maintenance
Quick Care Guide:
- Water - Low/Med (2): Doesn't need as much water, but doesn't like to stay dry for too long. Plant will become droopy when really thirsty.
- Light - Low (1): Doesn't need much if any light. Plants will be okay in a darker bedroom or bathroom.
- Difficulty - Low (1): These plants need barely any attention to thrive. Set it and forget it.