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4" Dracaena Craigii
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Janet Craig Dracaena was named for nurseryman Robert Craig's daughter. The tall, large scale growth habit makes this elegant plant perfect for nice big spaces. Long, deep emerald strap-like leaves arch upwards from the crown and curve gently downwards. They grow on light brown canes that lose the lower leaves as the new baby leaves rise out of the center.
- Also known as Janet Craig or Dragon Tree
- Air Purifying
Quick Care Guide:
- Water - Medium (3): Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
- Light - Low/Med (2): These plants need some diffused light to stay happy. Prefers if there is a window in the room, but doesn't need to be very light nor close to it.
- Difficulty - Low (1): These plants need barely any attention to thrive. Set it and forget it.