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Calathea Orbifolia has a reputation of being a bit more of a fussy rascal than most Calatheas. The big, round, slightly tousled looking leaves are soft, polished green with silvery stripes. This native of Bolivia can grow up to 3' tall with 1' dinner plate sized leaves, making it one of the larger Calatheas. As with other Calatheas and Maranta folks, Orbifolia will gather its leaves upright at night, and with a plant this size, it is an interesting slow dance to see.
- Air Purifying
- Pet Friendly
Quick Care Guide:
- Water - Med/High (4): Prefers more water than most, but soil can dry out periodically. Use a spray bottle to mist and increase humidity levels without soaking the soil and roots.
- Light - Medium (3): Plant prefers natural, diffused light. Can be placed in a spacious living room. Indirect light preferred. No direct sunlight on leaves.
- Difficulty - Medium (3): Not too difficult to keep happy, but does require some attention.