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Hastata Fern is one of the cliffbrake ferns which favor lonely, rocky cliffs, watery canyons, and windswept bluffs. The genus name comes from a Greek word meaning "dark", talking about either the dusky leaves or, in Hastatas's case, the thin, black, wiry stems. On those thin, black, wiry stems are perfectly even pairs of soft, Kelly green leaflets like little green flags. Some of the leaves are three-lobed and some are single and almond-shaped. Coming from those cold, windy and wet lonely places, Hastata is quite tough and quite cold hardy. It's even a bit drought tolerant. If you want to give ferns a whirl, this is a good, strong choice. It's such a pretty thing, too!
- Air Purifying
- Low Maintenance
- Pet Friendly
Quick Care Guide:
- Water - Med/High (4): Prefers more water than most, but soil can dry out periodically. Use a spray bottle to mist and increase humidity levels without soaking the soil and roots.
- Light - Med/High (4): Needs more light than most, but direct light not necessary. Can handle morning and afternoon sun directly on leaves.
- Difficulty - Low/Med (2): A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.
View full breakdown of Care Guide here.