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4" Mimosa 'Sensitive Plant'


Our Sensitive little Mimosa is a lacy, almost ferny, complicated bunch of little thorny, green stems and oval leaves with perfectly even, little, soft, paired leaflets clinging to the green midrib. The way it grows is upright until the delicate, not so strong stems gracefully bend, trailing over the pot's edge. Sensitive and emotional and always on the lookout for danger, the leaves just give up and faint when touched. This could be an animal, a puff of wind, a water drop, you; anything causes the little leaflets to evenly fold up and will wait a few minutes for the horrible danger to pass. Scientists tell us the mechanism for the movement is the plant's ability to move water around in the leaves; deflating when needed. Curiously, those scientists also found the plant can discern between a finger touch and a water drop. After being teased a few times some plants get wise and quit folding up when poked. The flowers are hairy, pink pompoms held close to the plant. Ephemeral, they last for a day.

  • Pet Friendly 

Quick Care Guide:

    • Water - Low (1):  Needs very little water to survive. Wait until the plant is completely dry then fully soak. Drought tolerant by nature.
    • High - (5):  Plant needs a lot of light; direct is even better. These plants do best when placed on a window sill or next to a bright window. Avoid concentrated, hot light from window which may cause burning (magnifying glass effect).         
    • Difficulty - Medium (3):  Not too difficult to keep happy, but does require some attention.

     View full breakdown of Care Guide here.