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4" Philodendron Atom

$5.20 $10.40

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Philodendron Atom is dwarf cultivar of big ole Philodendron Selloum we all know and love. Only getting to about 12" high, this is a Philodendron everyone has room for. Fat, arrow-shaped, shiny and leathery leaves also come with lobed edges, strong, pale veins, and puckered, bumpy, rumples all over. Foliage colors are every shade of green mixed together. Atom is super easy to grow and maintain; water when dry and it always appreciates little balanced fertilizer, as it will get paler when it wants a little nitrogen and iron for dinner. Perfect for newbies!

  • Low Light
  • Low Maintenance
  • Air Purifying

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Low/Med (2):   These plants need some diffused light to stay happy. Prefers if there is a window in the room, but doesn't need to be very light nor close to it.
  • Difficulty - Low/Med (2):  A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.