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4" Philodendron Ring of Fire


Philodendron Wendlandii and Philodendron Tortum were introduced to each other and the rest is history! Their baby, named Ring of Fire, evokes flaming, volcanic colors of red, orange, yellow. Add to these colors peach, cream and white and you have an idea of Philodendron Ring of Fire. All those colors are possible variegation hues in any wild combination with deep emerald green. Long, lance-shaped leaf blades like short daggers are deeply lobed, notched or toothed in as much variety as the colors. Some leaves can be divided down the middle with two completely different paint patterns on either side of the midrib, with all those colors and often all speckled too. It's just crazy! The ring of fire thing comes in where sometimes the variegation appears as a circle of the same color or pattern circling all the leaves as you look from above. Some plants have upward facing leaves settling down to flat, poking out in all directions. Slow growing but a climber, you have plenty of time to catch up to it and stake it with a moss pole or a stick to hang on to. Philodendron collectors will want one of these. This one, like our other oddly variegated Philodendrons, is somewhat rare too. Quantities limited for now too.

  • Air Purifying
  • Low Light
  • Low Maintenance

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Low/Med (2):  These plants need some diffused light to stay happy. Prefers if there is a window in the room, but doesn't need to be very light nor close to it.
  • Difficulty - Low/Med (2):  A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.