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6" Chlorophytum Spider, Variegated


A spider plant is one of the easiest plants to own. Fast growing and hardy, it gets its name from the tiny plantlets dangling like a crowd of little spiders swinging on strong stems, crowding and jostling each other. Pretty, white, 6 petaled flowers spangle the stems. Bright green and white candy striped leaves arch into a graceful curve giving it a pleasing shape. Spider plants are proven to be excellent air purifiers and are completely pet friendly. Your kitty will want to chew it!

  • Air Purifying
  • Pet Friendly

Quick Care Guide:

  • Water - Medium (3):  Water plant when dry. Plant does not like soil to always be moist, but doesn't like to stay dry once becomes dry. Water as soon as soil is dry.
  • Light - Med/High (4):  Needs more light than most, but direct light not necessary. Can handle morning and afternoon sun directly on leaves.
  • Difficulty - Low/Med (2):  A little less finicky than most. Doesn't require much attention at all.

View full breakdown of Care Guide here.